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Home of the River Valley Travel Basketball League

Home of the River Valley Travel Basketball League


History of the River Valley Junior High Girls Basketball League 1982-2012



     The origins of the River Valley League are shrouded in mystery.  All we really know is that the checking account was opened in 1966.  The Commissioner in 1981 and several years before was Tom Gradzewicz who (up until 2005 at least) resides in Lawrence.  In a phone interview, Tom indicated that he had served as Commissioner for a number of years and that the River Valley League had existed as far back as 1975 and that prior to that it had been around as a Catholic School league of unknown name.  Tom indicated that he had records stored in his garage attic and promised to find them.  No word since.



     The league organizational meeting was confronted with the fact that almost the entire previous slate of officers was retiring. Only Bob Ross remained as Treasurer and we were forced to make some modifications to the structure.  Since there was really no constitution or bylaws (or if there were, they were carefully ignored), the position of Secretary was split into Secretary and Statistician with Sr. Kathleen Leary of St. Augustine’s Andover taking over as Secretary and Larry Dysart assuming the role of Statistician.  Don Stewart became our new Commissioner. 

     The League was made of 18 teams and was split into 2 divisions by random draw.  About the only stipulation was that teams from the same organization were put in different divisions where possible.  It almost looks like you had to be a “Saint” or “Holy” or “Sacred” to be a member. “North” seems the only other alternative. 

The organizations involved that year were:

St. Augustine’s of Lawrence (2), St. Augustine’s of Andover, St. Monica’s(3), Sacred Heart of Lawrence, Sacred Hearts of Bradford, St. Anne’s, St. Mary’s, St. Joe’s of Salem, St. Joe’s of Haverhill, St. Andrew’s, Holy Rosary, Mt. Carmel, No. Andover (2) and No. Reading.

     The divisional winners were No. Reading in Division 1, beating No.Andover in a playoff something like 17 to 16 and St. Monica’s Gold in Division 2 by one game over Sacred Heart of Lawrence.

     Playoffs were only for the top 4 in each Division.  Again it came down to St. Monica’s Gold defeating Sacred Heart 25 to 18 for the title.



     The league grew to 26 teams and 3 divisions, again split randomly. Holy Trinity, Masconomet and Methuen joined and other organizations expanded.  The divisional winners were

Division 1 – St. Mary’s

Division 2 – Sorbo Realty of Methuen

Division 3 – Sacred Heart of Lawrence

The playoffs were still limited to the top 4 of each division and it came down to Sorbo Realty versus Masconomet in the final.  A most “interesting” final it was!  Sorbo was the favorite, having demolished everyone along the way with a strong zone defense and powerful rebounding, so Masco grabbed a 2-0 lead, managed to get the ball back and stood near the half court mark for 15 minutes while Sorbo refused to come out of the zone.

In the second half they did come out long enough to take the lead and ended up winning the championship 11 to 4.



     We only got a little bigger in the fall of 1984, expanding to 29 teams and 4 divisions.  Winchester and St.Robert’s of Andover joined up and it’s not clear whether there was any method for dividing the teams other than a lottery.  Seventh and eighth grade teams were still intermixed in any case.  The divisional winners were

Division 1 – Sacred Heart of Lawrence over No.Reading by a game

Division 2 – St.Monica’s Green over No.Andover by two

Division 3 – Holy Trinity of Lawrence over Methuen Stott by two

Division 4 – St. Augustine’s of Lawrence, St. Augustine’s of Andover     and Methuen Hyde ended in a three-way tie.  St. Augustine’s of Lawrence was the eventual Division Champion.

This year we changed to 4 separate end of season playoffs, one per division with all the teams participating, but staying in their respective divisions.

Results of the finals:

Division 1 – St.Roberts            25   No.Reading  23

Division 2 – St.Joe’s (Salem)   18  Masconomet 11

Division 3 – Sacred Heart’s     21  St. Augustine’s (Lawrence) 19

Division 4 – St. Augustine’s (Andover) 24 St.Monica’s 18.    



     Stability!  Again 29 teams with 4 divisions.  By this time we were starting to split along grade levels with divisions 3 and 4 being 7th grade or “B” level and 1 and 2 made up of 8th grade teams.  Chelmsford made its appearance in the league this year.

The two 8th grade divisions were hotly contested.

Division 1 – St.Monica’s and St.Joe’s(Salem) tied with winner take all in the playoffs.

Division 2 – Sacred Heart edged No.Andover by a game.

Division 3 – St.Monica’s 7th  undefeated

Division 4 – St. Anne’s triumphed by a 4 game margin.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – St.Monica’s         30    St.Joe’s           20

Division 2 – Chelmsford          33   Sacred Heart    20

Division 3 – No.Reading 7th     19  No.Andover 7th   18

Division 4 – St. Anne’s            23  Sacred Heart 7th 21.    

Top scorers in Division 1 were Kerry Holtham of St. Joe’s Salem and Katie McGrath of St. Roberts at 12.82 and 12.50 ppg.



     Art Laro takes over as Commissioner.  Carol Couture from Mt Carmel takes over as Secretary.  Holy Trinity, Chelmsford and Winchester leave.  No connection established.

Again 4 divisions, but 3 of them are essentially 7th grade. 27 teams included.

Division 1 – Sacred Heart and St.Monicas tied with Sacred Heart defeating St.Monicas  in the playoffs 35 to 32.

Division 2 – No.Andover 7 came out ahead with a 13 – 1 record.

Division 3 – No.Reading 7th  won by 2 games.

Division 4 – St.Augustine’s Andover was undefeated.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – Stott-Harnish (Methuen)   33    N.Andover   22

Division 2 – N.Andover  7A     36   Sacred Hearts (Bradford)    15

Division 3 – Methuen 7th          14   No.Reading 7th     13

Division 4 – St.Augustine’s Andover  N.Andover  7B  24.    

Top scorers in Division 1 were Gina Censullo of St. Aug Lawrence at 12.85 ppg and Laurie Berryman of St. Monicas at 10.07.



     Elaine Biron volunteers to be our Secretary,  Art, Larry and Sr Kathleen remain as Commissioner, Statistician and Treasurer.

There are 15 organizations and 30 teams.  Danvers, Holy Trinity and Wilmington are added, Mt Carmel drops out.

There was no agreement on how to split the 8th grade teams, so 1 14 team division was created.  

Division 1 – No.Andover 8 was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 2 – Wilmington was undefeated at 13-0

Division 3 – St. Anne’s won by 1 game.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – Methuen        37   N.Andover   35

Division 2/3 – St. Joe’s     25   Masconomet    13

Gina Censullo repeated as scoring leader at 11.85 followed by Kerry Haggerty of St.Andrews at 11.11.



     Ernie Smith of Danvers becomes Secretary,  others remain.

This year we added the Beverly Y, Haverhill and Lynnfield while dropping Holy Trinity, Sacred Heart of Lawrence, St.Augustine Andover  and St.Mary’s.  14 organizations and 26 teams remain.

Division 1 – St.Andrews wins by 2.

Division 2 – St Monica’s 7 edges N.Reading 7

Division 3 – Methuen was undefeated at 12-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – St.Andrews       43   Methuen 8  34

Division 2 – N.Andover 7a   31   St Monica’s 7  29

Division 3 – N.Andover 7b   42   St.Augustine Law.  20.

Top scorers in Division 1 were Katie Qualter of St.Joe’s at 14.50 and Laura Arnold of St.Andrew’s at 14.00.



     Officers remain the same.

Amesbury and the Reading Y enter and St.Mary’s returns.  Beverly Y and St Anne drop.  So now it’s 15 organizations and 25 teams.

Division 1 – St.Andrews wins by 1 1/2.

Division 2 – N.Andover 8B edges Reading Y

Division 3 – Methuen 7 was undefeated at 14-0.

Division 4 – N.Reading B wins by 2.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – St.Andrews       46   N.Andover 8A        32

Division 2 – N.Andover 7A  40   St.Augustine Law.  33

Top scorers in Division 1 were Amy Vielleux of Haverhill at 13/38 and Colleen McGlynn of N.Reading at 10.91.



     Clark Stewart of St.Monica’s becomes Secretary.

Major change.  Because the 6th grade league that had been running has dissolved, the league votes to accept 5th and 6th grade teams.

6 divisions are constructed from 30 7/8 grade teams and 21 5/6 grade teams.  Suddenly we’ve doubled in size.

Here’s the list of organizations now involved:

Amesbury         Chelmsford            Danvers                 Haverhill     

Lynnfield          Masconomet          Methuen                N.Andover

N.Reading        ReadingY              Sacred Hearts (Bradford)          

St.Andrews       St.Aug.(Law)         St.Joesph (Salem)  St. Marys

St.Monica         Tewksbury            Triton                    Wilmington

     The fees are now set at $70 and all teams are assigned a 14 game schedule.  There will be 4 League tournaments, one for each grade.

Division 1 – N.Andover 8Black wins by 2.

Division 2 – Wilmington 8A wins by 4

Division 3 – Tewksbury 7 wins by 2.

Division 4 – Wilmington 8A defeats ReadingY 35-30 in a playoff.

Division 5 – St.Andrews was undefeated at 14-0.

Division 6 – Wilmington 5 defeats N.Andover 14-7 in a playoff.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1 – St.Monica         29   Methuen         27

Division 2 – N.Andover 7A  23   Masconomet  21

Division 3 – ReadingY 5A    23   St.Andrews    10.

Division 4 – N.Andover 5A  12   N.Andover 5B  1

Brooke Blaney of N.Andover led all 8th graders in scoring at 11.46, Melissa Lapointe of St.Josephs led the 7th graders at 17.69 and Brianne Stepherson playing with the ReadingY as a 5th grader led the 5/6 players at 13.09.  (As you may know, Brianne went on to lead Boston College)



     Changed the Secretary position again, but a period of stability starts.  From 1991 to 1999, the Directors will be Art Laro Commissioner,  Larry Dysart Statistician, Bob Beauchesne Secretary and Bill Jensen Treasurer.

After wildly expanding from 25 to 51 teams last year, we added Billerica, Dracut, Pentucket and Tyngsboro this year and upped the team total to 65.  A quote from the “Whispers” section of the Secretary notes from the October meeting:

On November 1st Commissioner Art Laro shocked the Youth Basketball Worlds.  In a press conference heard live on WEEI All Sports Radio, Art announced expansion into Long Island and Northern New Jersey along with the creation of the Northern and Southern River Valley League.  Art created much controversy with the following statement ‘…In keeping with our North and South Division concept, I will place Northern New Jersey in the Southern Division of the Northern River Valley League and Long Island will be placed in the Northern Division of the Southern River Valley League’.  At the same news conference, Art also announced the new league logo will feature a compass.”

Well, perhaps it wasn’t quite that bad, but we did form 9 divisions with 5 separate post-season tournaments.

Division 1 – Masco 8A goes undefeated at 12-0.

Division 2 – ReadingY goes 11-1 and wins by 1 game.

Division 3 – St Josephs wins by 1 with a 14-2 record.

Division 4 – St.Andrews was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 5 – N.Reading7 was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 6 – Wilmington6 was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 7 – N.Andover6B was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 8 – Sacred Hearts goes 11-1 to win by 3.

Division 9 – N.Andover5Red was undefeated at 12-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1-2 – Masco 8A         49   ReadingY      30

Division 3    – Lynnfield          W   St Josephs     

Division 4-5 – N.Andover7R   24   St.Andrews    21  OT.

Division 6-7 – N.Andover6B   24   ReadingY       17

Division 8-9 – Sacred Hearts   15   N.Andover5R 11

Sandra Forcier of Chelmsford wins the 8th grade scoring title at 14.91 ppg.  Catey Peters from Masconomet is 2nd with 12.50.

Melissa Lapointe of St.Josephs again led the 7th graders at 19.56.



     Sometime in this timeframe, the River Valley website was introduced. 

Records do not indicate exactly when the site was introduced, but prior to it, the process had been that scores and scoring were mailed to the statistician at 3 dates.  The standings were compiled and mailed back to each coach, usually in early January and late February.  Final standings were distributed at the tournament meeting.  That meeting was far more critical as that was when all the results came together and the tournament pairings were determined.

     The consolidation of Catholic schools makes itself evident again as we lose St.Mary’s and St.Monica’s (St Anne’s, Holy Trinity and Sacred Heart Lawrence have long gone).  However we gain Andover, Lowell and Winchester.  So now it’s 24 organizations and 57 teams.

This is also the first year insurance is required.

     This year it’s 8 regular season divisions and 3 large post season tournaments.

Division 1 – St.Andrews wins by 1 over Wilmington.

Division 2 – Billerica goes 11-1 and wins by 1 1/2 games.

Division 3 – N.Andover8B was undefeated at 9-0.

Division 4 – ReadingY7 was undefeated at 10-0.

Division 5 – Andover goes 13-1 to edge N.Andover7 by 1.

Division 6 – N.Andover6A goes 11-1.

Division 7 – Methuen6A was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 8 – Sacred Hearts is undefeated at 15-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1-2     – St.Andrews       32   Methuen        29

Division 3-4-5  – Andover            47   Winchester    35     

Division 6-7-8  – N.Andover6A   37   Dracut           34

Jennifer Bradley of Methuen led the scoring at 13.64, followed closely by Julie Stokes from Wilmington with 13.22.



     Notre Dame of Tyngsboro, Sacred Hearts and St.Augustine Lawrence are the next schools to leave.  Burlington and Lexington sign on.  Al Naffah agrees to be the league referee coordinator.

A post season State Tournament is held, organized by people from the south shore.  RV elects to send their champion – Andover, coached by Dick Muller and starring the Muller twins, Charlotte and Sarah (who later lead Andover High to State titles).  Andover is crowned state champ.  Unfortunately the tournament only lasts one year.

Division 1 – Andover8 was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 2 – Dracut wins a tie-breaker over Tewksbury.

Division 3 – Chelmsford comes in at 13-1.

Division 4 – N.Andover7A goes 10-1.

Division 5 – Burlington7 runs away at 13-1.

Division 6 – St.Andrews goes 15-1.

Division 7 – Wilmington was undefeated at 16-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 1-2     – Andover            41   Burlington8     21

Division 3-4-5  – Dracut               41   N.Andover6A  27     

Division 6-7     – Wilmington       30   St.Andrews     25

Leading scorers are  Michella Blaney, N.Andover8  14.67,

Charlotte Muller, Andover8  13.00, and Sarah  Muller, Andover8   12.31



     Newburyport joins the league.  There seems to have been a long discussion about adding the 3 point shot, but records do not indicate if the motion passed for this season.  9 Divisions were created with 9 separate post season tournaments.  68 teams are enrolled.  This appears to be the first time teams were moved up or down based on their records.

Division 1 – Haverhill was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 2 – Masco edges Wilmington.

Division 3 – N.Reading was undefeated at 14-0.

Division 4 – Burlington7 goes 12-1.

Division 5 – Lexington was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 6 – Amesbury was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 7 – Chelmsford6 wins a tight race over Masco and Burlington.

Division 8 – ReadingY comes out ahead with a 13-1 record.

Division 9 – Newburyport5/6 was undefeated at 14-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 8A  – N.Andover    74   Haverhill        65

Division 8B  – Amesbury8    48   Burlington     47 OT     

Division 8C  – Lowell           26   Lynnfield8     24

Division 7A  – Burlington7   36   Lynnfield7     33

Division 7B  – N.Andover     42  Amesbury7     26

Division 7C  – Masconomet  26   Chelmsford7  23

Division 6A  – Burlington6   41   Chelmsford6  33

Division 6B  – Tewksbury     28   N.Reading     25

Division 6C  –  St.Joe’s         19   Newburyport  10

Cheryl Leger of Haverhill led the 8A scoring with 15.36 ppg.  Tina Graham of Dracut was 2nd at 14.92.



     St. Joe’s drops, MelroseY and Westford join bringing us up to 74 teams.  At this point, we gave up trying to keep track of individual scoring; the Statistician was undergoing mental stress.

Lot of undefeated teams.

Division 1 – Lynnfield8 wins with a 14-1 record.

Division 2 – ReadingY was undefeated at 15-0.

Division 3 – Newburyport  beats out Billerica and Winchester at 13-3.

Division 4 – Burlington7 goes 12-0.

Division 5 – Masconomet was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 6 – Andover7 was undefeated at 14-0.

Division 7 – Chelmsford6 was undefeated at 15-0.

Division 8 – ReadingY comes out ahead with a 12-1 record.

Division 9 – Amesbury was undefeated at 12-0.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 8A  – Lynnfield8     55   Lexington      41

Division 8B  – Haverhill       49    Dracut           46    

Division 8C  – Billerica         33   Winchester    23

Division 7A  – Burlington7   62    Andover7      60

Division 7B  – MelroseY      32    N.Andover    18

Division 7C  – Lynnfield      25    Danvers         23

Division 6A  – Chelmsford6 53    Dracut           34

Division 6B  – Masco           34    Westford        31

Division 6C  – Amesbury     29    Methuen        29



     Lorinda Visnick of Beverly makes her first appearance!! (and wins 13 games).  Otherwise, sme as last year – 9 divisions, 9 tournaments with adjustments.  76 teams.

Division 1 – Andover 12-2 edges Burlington 10-3.

Division 2 – Newburyport  was undefeated at 15-0.

Division 3 – Billerica ends at 16-1.

Division 4 – Chelmsford7 was undefeated at 12-0.

Division 5 – Tewksbury 13-3 by 2 games.

Division 6 – Lexington at 14-2.

Division 7 – Andover at 11-1.

Division 8 – Chelmsford6 11-3.

Division 9 – Beverly6 13-1 over Winchester 12-2.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 8A  – Newburyport  45    Andover         43

Division 8B  – Chelmsford8   35    N.Andover     24    

Division 8C  – Danvers          31    Winchester     29

Division 7A  – Andover         29    Chelmsford7  26

Division 7B  – Tewksbury     39    N.Reading      36

Division 7C  – Haverhill        39    Amesbury      35

Division 6A  – Masco            38    Chelmsford6  20

Division 6B  – SalemNH       35    Amesbury      26

Division 6C  – Haverhill        40    N.Andover     34



     The League has grown to 30 organizations and 88 teams.  League fees are up to $85 plus $6 per player for insurance.  Bert Hamel holds a coaches clinic at Merrimack.  I and perhaps 2 others actually attend.

Updated the list of organizations now involved:

Amesbury         Andover                Beverly                  Billerica

Burlington        Chelmsford            Danvers                 Dracut                   

Hamilton-Wenham     Haverhill      Lexington              Lowell

Lynnfield          Manchester            Masconomet          Melrose                 

MelroseY          Methuen                Newburyport         N.Andover           

N.Reading        Peabody                 Pentucket               ReadingY             

SalemNH          Tewksbury            Timberlane            Triton                   

Wilmington      Winchester

Note that by now most of the original teams have disappeared.

Division 1 – Andover 18-1.

Division 2 – Masco 17-1.

Division 3 – Newburyport 13-2.

Division 4 – Peabody7 was undefeated at 13-0.

Division 5 – Melrose7 was undefeated at 16-0.

Division 6 – Danvers7 and Lynnfield7 share the title at 11-1.

Division 7 – Peabody6 goes 14-1

Division 8 – Tewksbury6 was undefeated at 20-0.

Division 9 – Winchester 15-1.

Results of the playoff finals:

Division 8A  – Andover          48    Timberlane     34

Division 8B  – Lowell              55    Beverly          39    

Division 8C  – MelroseY        43    Methuen         42  OT

Division 7A  – Peabody          43    Winchester     30 

Division 7B  – Beverly           34    N.Andover     32

Division 7C  – Ham-Wenham 40    Salem            36

Division 6A  – Peabody          27    Billerica         25

Division 6B  – Haverhill         41    Newburyport 35

Division 6C  – N.Andover      26    Wilmington   21



     Georgetown, Nashua and Swampscott are new this year, putting us over 100 teams for the first time (105).  At this point we have 11 divisions.  Dick Pearson takes over as referee coordinator.

Division 8A  – Andover 15-1 squeaks by Peabody 14-2

Division 8B  – Methuen comes out ahead at 14-2

Division 8C  – Chelmsford is undefeated at 12-0

Division 7A  – Peabody is undefeated at 15-0

Division 7B  – Newburyport is undefeated at 14-0

Division 7C  – Amesbury is undefeated at 19-0

Division 6A  – Masco wins with a 15-1 record.

Division 6B  – Salem is undefeated at 12-0

Division 6C  – It’s Beverly at 13-1

Division 6D  – Newburyport6B led at 14-1

Division 6E  – Billerica5 is undefeated at 12-0

Sticking with 9 post season tournaments:

Division 8A  – Andover          51    Peabody          45

Division 8B  – Haverhill         32    Wilmington     31

Division 8C  – Dracut             51    Newburyport   43

Division 7A  – Peabody          49    Billerica          38

Division 7B  – ReadingY        34    Tewksbury      32

Division 7C  – N.Andover7B  45    Lynnfield        26

Division 6A  – Masco              40    Tewksbury     23

Division 6B  – N.Reading       34    Newburyport  24

Division 6C  – Masco6B         40    Salem5           32



     Alex Bonner of Lexington is our new secretary.  Malden and Gloucester join.  35 organizations and 112 teams.  Due to poor advanced notice from the towns, the divisions are set after the meeting by the Statistician.  We survive the calendar crisis of 2000.

Division 8A  – Peabody is undefeated at 16-0

Division 8B  – Burlington comes in at 14-2

Division 8C  – Lynnfield’s 11-3 leads the way

Division 7A  – Masco repeats a 15-1 record

Division 7B  – Wilmington at 13-2wins by 2

Division 7C1 – Georgetown is undefeated at 16-0

Division 7C2 – Swampscott 13-1 edges Gloucester 12-2

Division 6A  – Billerica 12-0

Division 6B  – Tewksbury is undefeated at 14-0

Division 6C1 – Amesbury (16-1) wins a tie-breaker over Wilmington (15-2)

Division 6C2 – Peabody6B led at 15-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  – Nashua            54    Andover          46

Division 8B  – Lowell             51    Wilmington     45

Division 8C  – Amesbury        39    Pentucket        22

Division 7A  – Billerica          34    Masco              32

Division 7B  – Georgetown    36    N.Reading       33

Division 7C  – Burlington       33    Lexington       32

Division 6A  – Billerica          37    Tewksbury      29

Division 6B  – Lowell6           37    MelroseY       30

Division 6C  – Danvers6         25    Lowell5          16



     Salem MA enters, Nashua and Timberlane leave (actually Timberlane dropped out mid 1999-2000).

Division 8A  – SalemNH wins at 11-1

Division 8B  –  Tewksbury (13-1) edges Chelmsford (12-2)

Division 8C  –  Amesbury undefeated at 13-0

Division 7A  –  Andover goes 15-0

Division 7B  –  N.Andover goes 15-0

Division 7C  –  Gloucester goes 12-0

Division 6A  –  Billerica (11-1) over MelroseY (10-1)

Division 6B  –  Danvers and Methuen tie at 13-1

Division 6C1 – Lynnfield goes 11-0

Division 6C2 – Pentucket wins at 14-2

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  –  Andover          60    Peabody        56  OT

Division 8B  –  Gloucester       36    Lynnfield      31

Division 8C  –  Melrose           44    Dracut           32

Division 7A  –  Peabody          36    Andover        32

Division 7B  –  Gloucester       35    NReading      21

Division 7C  –  Wilmington     35    Beverly         32

Division 6A  –  Billerica          32    MelroseY      25

Division 6B  –  Masco             25    NAndover      13 

Division 6C  –  Malden           25     Chelmsford   21



     Secretaryless for a year.  Swampscott morphs into MarbleheadY.  We later discover they really aren’t part of the Y and they forfeit their playoff game. Winthrop begins its controversial membership which ends in 2005!

Our bank balance is up to $6000 and enrollment up to 123 teams.

Division 8A  – Andover (12-0) bests Peabody (11-1)

Division 8B  –  Masco(14-1) beats Malden (13-2) in a one game playoff.

Division 8C  –  Methuen undefeated at 14-0

Division 7A  –  Billerica and Methuen tie at 10-2

Division 7B  –  MelroseY7B goes 12-0

Division 7C  –  Gloucester (14-0) wins the title over Pentucket (13-1)

Division 6A            –   Billerica at 14-0

Division 6B North  –  Chelmsford and Tewksbury tie at 15-1

Division 6B South  –  Danvers and Winthrop tie at 13-1

Division 6C1          –  Wakefield 13-1

Division 6C2          –  Billerica and Wilmington tie at 13-1

Until recently, it had been the policy to hold single game playoffs to resolve ties and, in fact, that is still one of the choices to date.  However due to the nature of the post season tournaments, many (and currently most) of the teams decided to share the titles and split the cost of an extra set of trophies.

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  –  Andover          48            Peabody                41

Division 8B  –   Lynnfield        38            Chelmsford            31

Division 8C  –   Wilmington    32             Peabody8B            30

Division 7A  –   Methuen         60            Nashua                  51

Division 7B  –   Wilmington    43             Lynnfield               27

Division 7C  –   Newburyport  35            Malden                  31

Division 6A  –   Billerica         32             Danvers                 27

Division 6B  –   SalemNH       36             Burlington             30

Division 6C  –   Pentucket6W  40            Malden                  30



     This year we added Hampstead NH, Ipswich, Pelham NH and Swampscott (again).  Melrose, Winchester and Rockport disappear. John Smith of Newburyport becomes Secretary.

Division 8A  –  Nashua at 14-0

Division 8B  –  Haverhill and Tewksbury tie at 13-1 but Tewksbury is the winner

Division 8C  –  Amesbury goes 12-0

Division 7A  –  Billerica wins at 13-1

Division 7B North  –  SalemNH 13-0

Division 7B South  –  Burlington 14-0

Division 6A            –  Peabody is undefeated at 16-0

Division 6B North  –  Tewksbury is undefeated at 14-0

Division 6B South  –  Wilmington is undefeated at 16-0

Division 6C1          –   Lowell wins at 13-1

Division 6C2          –   Nashua wins at 11-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  –  Nashua            52    Methuen          38

Division 8B  –  Tewksbury      51    Pelham            30

Division 8C  –  Triton              25    Malden            21

Division 7A  –  Andover          50    Danvers          32

Division 7B  –  Beverly           34    Swampscott    21

Division 7C  –  Methuen          40    Lowell            23

Division 6A  –  Peabody          52    Nashua           33

Division 6B  –  Haverhill         27    MelroseYNR  26

Division 6C  –  Amesbury       29    Danvers          27



     Hampstead lasted one year, but the Lawrence BGC takes their place.  Manchester re-appears and Tyngsboro joins.  13 divisions, 135 teams, 38 organizations.

Division 8A         –  Andover 16-0

Division 8 North  –  Triton 12-2

Division 8 South  –  MelroseY 12-0

Division 8 East    –  Wilmington8B 12-1

Division 7A         –   Peabody 13-0

Division 7 North  –  Newburyport7M 16-0

Division 7 South  –  Danvers 12-0

Division 7 East    –  SalemMA 11-1

Division 6A         –  MelroseY 13-1 over Methuen 12-2

Division 6 North  –  Tewksbury 16-0

Division 6 South  –   NReading 15-1

Division 6C          –  Nashua 16-0

Division 5            –   Billerica and Danvers tie at 12-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  – Andover       46      Danvers       36

Division 8B  – Wilmington   41      Methuen      31

Division 8C  – Malden          35      Beverly        34

Division 7A  – Peabody       47      Methuen      37

Division 7B  – Lynnfield      38      Gloucester   17

Division 7C  – Man-Essex    41      Ham-Wen    17

Division 6A  – Pentucket      27      Peabody       18

Division 6B  – NAndover     34      Nashua        27

Division 6C  – Danvers5      26      Billerica5     18



     The year was going along smoothly until late January when a significant incident occurred between 2 individuals from Swampscott, the assistant coach and the scorer (Myette and Gambale).  Both were suspended indefinitely.

Then we went smoothly until the last game of the tournament where Pentucket was to have battled Winthrop.  Winthrop chose to travel to a tournament on the south shore and failed to appear.  Winthrop forfeited and has since been banned from play in the River Valley League.

We have no secretary, but the other officers remain.

Numerous ties this year, including our first 3-way tie!

Division 8A         –  Pentucket and Tewksbury 14-1

Division 8 West  –  Reading 13-1

Division 8 East    –  Gloucester, MelroseYNR and Pelham at 13-3

Division 8C         –  LawrenceBGC 14-0

Division 7A         –  MelroseY 11-3 over Danvers 10-4

Division 7B         –  Nashua 14-0

Division 7C         –  Burlington and Dracut 13-1

Division 6A         –  NAndover and Peabody 13-1

Division 6B         –  Lowell and Wilmington 13-1

Division 6C         –  Dracut and Triton 13-1

Division 5L         –  Wilmington 16-0

Division 5S         –  Georgetown and MelroseY 13-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  – Pentucket      2        Winthrop     0

Division 8B  – Nashua          43      LawrenceBGC  36

Division 8C  – Malden          29      MelroseY     28

Division 7A  – MelroseY      39      Peabody       27

Division 7B  – GloucesterM 36      Chelmsford  34

Division 7C  – Swampscott  47      GloucesterW     11

Division 6A  – Peabody       31      NAndover   21

Division 6B  – Tewksbury    35      Gloucester6 27

Division 6C  – Wilmington5 42      Billerica5     32

Division 5    – NAndover5   14      NReading5  12



Now we’re up to 39 organizations and 147 teams.  Becoming a bit too many to handle!  Fees also up - $125 per team, $5.25 for insurance.  Stoneham and Mystic Valley are our new groups.  The coaches voted to continue the ban on the 2 individuals from the altercation last year.

Still no secretary.

It was voted to use a tie breaker scheme involving head-to-head results as a means for reducing the number of league championship ties.

Division 8A         –  Pentucket8 15-0

Division 8B         –  LawrenceBGC 12-0

Division 8C North –  Lowell8 16-0

Division 8C South –  Manchester-Essex8 15-1

Division 7A    –  Nashua7 13-0

Division 7B    –  Lowell7 13-0

Division 7C   –  Manchester-Essex7 14-0

Division 6A   –  Wilmington and Nashua6 13-1, Wilmington wins the tie-breaker

Division 6B   –  Pentucket6 12-1 edges Dracut 11-2

Division 6C   –  SalemNH 13-0

Division 5L   –  Billerica 13-0 over Tyngsboro 13-1

Division 5S   –  MelroseY5M 12-0 over Tewksbury 12-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  – Pentucket      48      Wilmington 39

Division 8B  – Chelmsford   50      Billerica       47

Division 8C  – Dracut           25      Triton           21

Division 7A  – Nashua         37      Peabody       29

Division 7B  – Gloucester     25      Andover      23

Division 7C  – Lynnfield      30      Georgetown 28

Division 6A  – Billerica        33      Wilmington 27

Division 6B  – Methuen        31      MelroseY     24

Division 6C  – Billerica5      23      Georgetown 9

Division 5    – NAndover     37      Chelmsford 25



   42 organizations and 160 teams.  A “splinter group” from Chelmsford applies, but Chelmsford YB does not approve as there is room in their main organization.  The new group is denied membership under league rules.  Lexington and Haverhill reappear.  Lorinda Visnick takes over as secretary.

Division 8A   –  NAndover8A  14-0

Division 8B   –  SalemMA (13-1) wins the tie breaker over MelroseY

Division 8C   –  Georgetown, LawrenceBGC and Malden tie at 13-1

Division 7A   –  Wilmington 14-0

Division 7B   –  MelroseY 14-0

Division 7C   –  Haverhill 15-1 in a close one over Newburyport 14-2

Division 6A   –  Peabody 13-1

Division 6B   –  Ipswich 13-2 edges Stoneham 12-3

Division 6C   –  Georgetown6W (13-1) wins the tie breaker over Lowell

Division 5A   –  Dracut 14-0 beats out MelroseYNR 13-1

Division 5B   –  Stoneham 14-0 beats out Manchester-Essex 13-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A  –  Beverly        59      Danvers       48

Division 8B  –  Masco8R      40      Pentucket     40

Division 8C  –  Wilmington  38      Reading       31

Division 7A  –  Nashua        40      Wilmington 37

Division 7B  – Tewksbury    30      Danvers       27

Division 7C  –  Malden         27      Amesbury    14

Division 6A  –  Peabody      4 0     Tyngsboro   32

Division 6B  –  Chelmsford  41      Pentucket     27

Division 6C  –  MelroseY5NR  27  Dracut5        23

Division 5     –  Wilmington 16      Tewksbury  10



   RV reaches its maximum - 43 organizations and 167 teams.   Numerous changes are made to the Constitution & By-Laws including such things as a proposal for the divisional structure being made by the Statistician based on reports from all the organizations prior to the AGM and fines for no-shows.  A proposal to add a “recommendation” that coaches play all of their players at each game is defeated.

A new tournament structure is proposed and accepted.  Now there will be A, A/B, B/C and C brackets in grades 6, 7 and 8.

Nicole Boudreau starred for Andover and went on to lead Andover to 3 State Championships and later to play for Boston College.

Organizations for the 2007-2008 season:

Amesbury                   Andover                Beverly                  Billerica

Burlington                  Chelmsford            Danvers                 Dracut

Georgetown                Gloucester             HamiltonWenham  Haverhill

Ipswich                       LawrenceBGC       Lowell                   Lynnfield

Malden                       Manchester-Essex  Masconomet          Melrose

MelroseY                    MerrimackNH       Methuen                Mystic Valley

NashuaNH                  Newburyport         N.Andover            N.Reading

Peabody                      Pelham                   Pentucket               Reading

SalemMA                   SalemNH               Saugus                   Stoneham

Swampscott                Tewksbury            Triton                    Tyngsboro

Wakefield                   Westford                Wilmington


Division 8A           –  MelroseY 14-2 wins the tie-breaker over Nashua

Division 8B North –  LawrenceBGC and SalemNH end tied at 11-3

Division 8B South –  Reading8 wins a 3 way tie-breaker over Danvers and NReading

Division 8C           –  Lowell goes 14-0

Division 7A           –  Another unresolvable tie: Billerica and Tyngsboro at 14-2

Division 7B North –  Masco7B 13-3 edges Nashua 12-4

Division 7B South –  MelroseY7B wins at 15-1

Division 7C           –  Malden 16-0 over Masco7C 15-1

Division 6A   –  Dracut 14-0 over Peabody 13-1

Division 6B   –  Nashua 15-1 over SalemMA and Manchester-Essex 14-2

Division 6C   –  Newburyport6G 14-2

Division 5A   –  Merrimack 15-0

Division 5B   –  Hamilton-Wenham 15-0 over Beverly 14-1

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A     – Andover              39      Wilmington 31

Division 8AB  –  LawrenceBGC    71       Lowell        67

Division 8BC  –  Man-Essex          35      Peabody8B  22     

Division 8C     –  Masco8C             42      Malden        27

Division 7A     –  Billerica              55      Pelham         41

Division 7AB  –  Ipswich               39      MelroseY     32     

Division 7BC  –  Ham-Wenham7B 29      Lowell         27

Division 7C     –  Amesbury           24      Wakefield    19

Division 6A     –  Peabody             20      Dracut          18

Division 6AB  –  Beverly               24      Masco6A     23

Division 6BC  –  Gloucester           23      Newburyport6G  15

Division 6C     –  Reading6W         18      Masco6B     16

Division 5        –  Wilmington        37      Nashua        19



   North Shore League forms.  Originally designed as a “Cape Ann League” for girls, the newly formed league draws a number of teams from the Cape Ann area.  From the 2007-08 RV League, this includes:

Amesbury         Georgetown           Gloucester             Ham-Wenham

Ipswich             Lynnfield               Masconomet          Newburyport


In 2007-2008, this represented 9 organizations and 42 teams.  The teams were predominantly “B/C” level teams.  5 - 17 - 20 being the A-B-C breakdown.  It is generally thought that this is a good thing for the lower level teams, but the “A” level teams will probably lack competition.  In any event, the league is now at 34 organizations and 134 teams, which is basically where it will remain with some others leaving and some returning or newly joining.

Division 8A           –  Tyngsboro (15-1) wins the tie-breaker over NAndover

Division 8B North –  Chelmsford (14-2) edges Lowell (13-3)

Division 8B South –  Stoneham (14-1) edges Beverly (12-2)

Division 8C           –  Manchester-Essex (13-0) beats out SalemNH (12-1)

Division 7A           –  Dracut and Peabody tie at 11-2, but Dracut wins the tie-breaker

Division 7B North –  Chelmsford and Merrimack tie at 14-2

Division 7B South –  Manchester-Essex at 13-0

Division 7C           –  Chelmsford7W at 13-0

Division 6A   –  Billerica, NAndover and Wilmington tie at 12-4

Division 6B   –  Methuen goes undefeated at 16-0

Division 6C   –  Manchester-Essex at 11-1

Division 5A   –  Billerica at 15-1

Division 5B   –  Lowell goes undefeated at 16-0

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A     – BillericaA  40      Reading       30

Division 8AB  – Nashua       61      Wilmington 50

Division 8BC  – Dracut        31      Methuen      28

Division 8C     – Wakefield  30      BillericaB     17

Division 7A     – Dracut       29      Peabody       26

Division 7AB  – NReading   31      Beverly        29

Division 7BC  – Pelham       42      Tewksbury  38

Division 7C     – Tyngsboro 41      Lowell         32

Division 6A     – NAndover 33      Stoneham     31

Division 6AB  – SalemNH   22      Tyngsboro   20

Division 6BC  – Billerica5    35      SalemNH5   34

Division 6C     – Westford5  22      Lowell5       21

Division 5        – NAndover 33      Chelmsford  30



   A couple of organizations that left send their “A” teams to the RV.  A couple of other organizations leave.  Status quo as far as numbers go.

     A State Tournament is proposed and the League votes to send representatives.

We know that NAndover8, Billerica7 and SalemNH all reached the finals, but lost

Records show NAndover8 44 Medfield 54, Acton-Boxboro6 44 SalemNH6 41, Braintree 54 Billerica 52.

     Rule revisions include no full court defense in the 5th grade until the last 4 minutes of the game (and then only if the pressing team is not leading by 10 or more points).  A motion to require man-to-man only in 5th grade fails.

     League directors indicate a need for the league to plan on their retirement.

Division 8A   –  Peabody undefeated at 14-0

Division 8B   –  LawrenceBGC undefeated at 15-0

Division 8C   –  Lowell undefeated at 14-0

Division 7A   –  Billerica (15-1) edges Hamilton-Wenham (14-2)

Division 7B   –  Manchester-Essex and Tyngsboro end tied at 14-2

Division 7C   –  Lowell undefeated at 16-0

Division 6A   –  SalemNH (13-2) over Billerica (13-3)

Division 6B   –  Manchester-Essex goes 16-0

Division 6C   –  NAndover6C (12-2) beats Lexington (11-3)

Division 5A   –  Billerica goes 16-0

Division 5B   –  Pelham goes 15-0

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A     – NAndover 37      MelroseY     33

Division 8AB  – Ham-Wen  43      Masco          41

Division 8BC  – Beverly       38      Reading       28

Division 8C     – Danvers     38      Tyngsboro   27

Division 7A    – Billerica7A 43      Chelmsford  28

Division 7AB  – Stoneham   35      Merrimack   23

Division 7BC  – Billerica7B 53      Westford      46

Division 7C     – Peabody     20      Danvers       17

Division 6A    –  SalemNH   16      Billerica       12

Division 6AB  – Dracut        23      Methuen      21

Division 6BC  – Peabody6B 20      Billerica5     18

Division 6C     – Pelham5     28      Westford5    26

Division 5        – Masco        18      NReading    11



   Major changes are made to take affect in the fall of 2011. The positions of Statistician and Referee assignor (not used in some time) are removed and several new ones added.  There will still be a Commissioner, Secretary and Treasurer but each age division will have a Director responsible for divisional setup and tournament alignment.  New positions of Web Coordinator and Past Commissioner are added.  The league will move to a commercial web site to be determined.

It is noted that there was a disturbance in the 7AB tournament at Wilmington with fans from Merrimack out of control.  The team is dropped this year.

PembrokeNH, Fidelity House of Arlington enter.  Amesbury and Haverhill return.

Gym Committee reports on gym sizes.

All Star games condense to 2 for each grade instead of 3 as in previous years.  Low participation at the “C” level cited.

The “no-zone” in 5th grade motion fails for the second year in a row.

Tournament finals and several semi-finals are held at the Eastern Sports Center in Plaistow NH.

We again entered the State tournament, but we have no record of how the teams fared.

Division 8A   –  Peabody undefeated at 14-0

Division 8B   –  LawrenceBGC undefeated at 15-0

Division 8C   –  Lowell8 undefeated at 14-0

Division 7A   –  Billerica (15-2) edges Hamilton-Wenham (14-2)

Division 7B   –  Manchester-Essex and Tyngsboro tie at 14-2

Division 7C   –  Lowell7 undefeated at 16-0

Division 6A   –  SalemNH (13-2) beats out Billerica (13-3)

Division 6B   –  Manchester-Essex at 16-0

Division 6C   –  NAndover6C (12-2) over Lexington (11-3)

Division 5A   –  Billerica 16-0

Division 5B   –  Pelham 15-0

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A    – Billerica8A           51      NAndover   26

Division 8AB  – LawrenceBGC     44      Dracut          38

Division 8BC  – Wilmington          37      Billerica8B   36

Division 8C     – Malden                 41      Reading8C1 32

Division 7A     – Peabody              32      Westford      24

Division 7AB  – Beverly                37      Merrimack   33

Division 7BC  – Masconomet         31      Peabody7B  29

Division 7C     – Malden                 37      Reading7C   36

Division 6A     – Billerica               21      Peabody       13

Division 6AB  – Tyngsboro           26      NReading    25  OT

Division 6BC  – Amesbury            37      NAndover6B 28

Division 6C     – Chelmsford5        37      Lowell5R     26

Division 5        – NReading            23      Westford      19



   The changing of the guard part I !!. 

     Commissioner        Art Laro

Assist. Comm        Gary Sauve


Treasurer               Brian Sifferlan

Webmaster             Larry Dysart

8th Grade               Joe Torrisi

7th Grade               Dan MacNeil

6th Grade               Bob Johnson (assisted by Jim Connors & Craig Campbell)

5h Grade                Lorinda Visnick was selected as the site to be used.  The scheduling was done partly as it has been in the past.  The game pairings were created on the site and the coaches input the dates once the games had been scheduled.  Bob Johnson scheduled the entire 6th grade himself!

We planned to have 11 divisions, but with 45 teams in the 8th grade, it was decided to go with an extra division in that age group.

Division 8A    –  PembrokeNH 15-1

Division 8AB –  Pentucket and Methuen tie at 14-2

Division 8B    –  Tyngsboro 14-2

Division 8C    –  Haverhill, SalemNH8C and Beverly tie at 14-2

Division 7A    –  Billerica undefeated at 16-0

Division 7B    –  Pentucket goes 15-1

Division 7C    –  MerrimackNH7C undefeated at 16-0

Division 6A    –  NAndover undefeated at 16-0

Division 6B    –  Wakefield (15-1) take the tie-breaker over Tyngsboro

Division 6C    –  Everett undefeated at 14-0, edging Masco at 15-1

Division 5SE    –  Tewksbury undefeated at 16-0

Division 5NW  –  Methuen undefeated at 15-0

Post season tournaments:

Division 8A     –  Pembroke           45      SalemNH               35

Division 8AB  –  Pentucket8AB     35      TewksburyA          33

Division 8BC  –  Malden                41      Tyngsboro             38

Division 8C     –  Chelmsford         43      TewksburyC          32

Division 7A     –  Billerica              40      Peabody                 21

Division 7AB   –  NAndover                    31      Tyngsboro             29

Division 7BC   –  Amesbury          37      Chelmsford            26

Division 7C      –  Man-Essex         28      TewksburyC          21

Division 6A      –  NAndover         36      Peabody                 26

Division 6AB   –  NReading           28      Billerica                 18

Division 6BC   –  Methuen5           27      Pelham6B              21

Division 6C      –  Pelham5             29      NAndover5           20

Division 5        –  Westford            15      Merrimack             12


Results of the State Tournament for the 2011-2012 season.

  The River Valley League had great success in the expanded State Tournament which now included 5th Grade teams.  Our League voted to send the A division winners from the 8th, 7th, and 6th Grades. plus a 5th Grade representative (2) as we had two divisions with no clear winner (the better 5th Grade teams were moved up to the 6th Grade divisions for the playoffs).  The results were:

8th Grade  Pembroke finished 3rd winning 2 out of 3 games.
7th Grade  Billerica 7A won the State Tournament over North Attleboro 45 - 36.
6th Grade  North Andover 6A won the State Tournament.
5th Grade  Methuen won 2 out of 3 games while Tewksbury won 1 game and lost 2

Two State Champions from our League....not bad!!




Results of the State Tournament for the 2012-2013 season.

8th Billerica lost in the Finals

7thNo Andover won the Championship

6th Methuen lost in the Finals

5th Billerica lost in the Semis in OT




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